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Local Gentleman Earns Eagle Scout Rank

Carson Caldwell, a rising junior at Rockvale High School, was celebrated on June 10th for earning his Eagle Scout ranking through the Boy Scouts of America. Carson’s Eagle project was to build and install a new extra-large firepit, five sustainable concrete and wood-stained benches, and an extra-large wood storage shed in the grove of our charter organization, Fellowship United Methodist Church (located on New Salem Highway). It benefits the church and its members, as well as the members of Boy Scout Troop 197 and Cub Scout Pack 95 who currently use the facility. 

The project required a detailed plan approved by the Troop leaders, Scout District, and church committee, after months of planning and collecting funds.  The project was large enough the actual work spanned over several days and was successfully completed on August 3, 2022, with the help of 37 volunteers, over 675 service hours and a cost just over $2,400.


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