November 22, 2019–January 20, 2020

The third annual Winterfest at Fountains at Gateway brings outdoor ice skating and holiday activities to Murfreesboro, November 22, 2019 through January 20, 2020. The festival creates a magical experience for all ages with beautiful holiday lights, decorations and music on the central plaza. 
Admission is $15 for adults and $12 for kids and includes tax and skates (as well as trainer frames for young children). Spectators are welcome at no charge to view skaters and special events from benches lining the rink, or they may bring their own chairs. Winterfest also hosts private holiday parties and corporate and youth events.
Open daily, except on Thanksgiving and Christmas day. For skating times and a schedule of holiday activities, visit
Fountains at Gateway is located at 1500 Medical Center Parkway in Murfreesboro, next to Saint Thomas Rutherford Hospital. Ample free parking is available and a dozen restaurants and shops are adjacent to the skating plaza.


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